2024 Emergency Solutions Grant RFP

Request for Proposal


Regional ESG Grant

Lawrence County Social Services, Inc.

Lawrence County Social Services, Inc. (LCSS) is accepting proposals to provide Regional ESG Grant within Pennsylvania. By responding, your organization will provide services as identified within this proposal and attached appendixes during the activity dates that will be determined if funded by the PA Department of Community And Economic Development. Such activities will be associated with grant funded opportunities offered by LCSS and can be all inclusive or as an individual activity. Awards made to applicants responding will be as a vendor and/or contractor to LCSS.

The procurement for services hereunder shall comply with Office of Management and Budget’s Super Circular requirements for grants and cooperation agreements to state and local governments, and shall be in accordance with LCSS’s Procurement Policy for Professional Services. It is the intent of LCSS to retain the services of said vendor that will provide the necessary expertise to carry out the activities described within attached appendixes.

INFORMATION REQUIRED: Applicant must submit proposal via link referenced at end of RFP by close of business on the 19th of August2024. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to August 25, 2024 via email to kpresnar@lccap.org.

Those responding to this request are accepting compensation allocated within appropriate Appendix of Services. LCSS reserves the right to negotiate regarding services and costs, award any combination in the best interest of LCSS, and to reject any and all proposals. During negotiations, a Do Not Exceed Lump Sum Fee will be established. Applicants are encouraged to use examples of past projects in their proposals, including project budgets, meeting project costs, and letters/references.

LCSS will evaluate each written proposal and risk analysis results, determine if oral discussion with the applicant is necessary, then (based on the content of the written proposal and oral discussions) assign points for each segment of the proposal in accordance with the criteria hereinafter set forth. The maximum amount of points attainable is 100. Those achieving (70) total points will be eligible to negotiate a contract.
LCSS is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religious creed, handicap, ancestry, national origin, age or sex. LCSS will enter into a contract with the successful applicants; the contract will contain all the required provisions as outlined in OMB Super Circular and strictest program requirements. Follow the link below to submit your Request for Proposal: https://form.jotform.com/LCCAP/2024-western-pa–regional-esg-rfp

Attachment A-Fee for Service

Emergency Shelter – Application Budget

LCCAP RFP Regional Initiatives

Program Guidelines

Program Design-Street Outreach

Program Design-Rapid Rehousing

Program Design-Homeless Prevention

Program Design-HMIS

Program Design-Emergency Shelter

Cert of Govt Approval

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