As we embark on these difficult times that our nation now faces, Lawrence County Community Action Partnership’s mission of “Changing Lives” has never been more appropriate, or as critical, as it is today. Because we face many unprecedented challenges in today’s economic and social climate, LCCAP has responded with its most aggressive programming in our agency’s thirty year history, in a firm resolve to continue bettering the lives of Lawrence County residents.
Resultant from this commitment to changing lives, LCCAP’s recent growth as an agency has been tremendous; Now employing hundreds of residents, serving thousands more, operating multiple facilities, and partnering with many other agencies state-wide, LCCAP’s exponential growth and expansion has allowed many new opportunities to present themselves to the betterment of our community.
As you look around the website, please take a look at all of the the different services and programs we offer here at LCCAP. Please be assured that we are continuing to look forward into the future at the potential tribulations that we, as Lawrence County residents face, and are working daily to honor the commitment of “Changing Lives”.
Yours in service,
Thomas Scott, CEO