Allied Coordinated Transportation Services, Inc. (ACTS) gives notice of a proposed fare increase to be effective on January 1, 2019. ACTS has operated under the same fare structure since July 1, 2012 and must increase fares to cover operational costs. For in-county trips, passengers’ fares will increase a maximum of $.20-$.50 per trip, based on the distance of their trip. Passengers that currently pay a fixed fare, such as senior citizens traveling to medical, pharmacy, senior centers, or grocery shopping, will continue to pay only $1.00 per trip. Any person wishing to make a comment to be considered as part of this increase process must submit a written comment by 4:30pm on November 15, 2018 to the ACTS Offices at 241 W Grant St, PO Box 189, New Castle, PA 16103. Questions from passengers regarding the cost increase to their specific trips should be directed to ACTS Customer Service at (724) 652-5588. Upon request, information will be provided in an alternate format.