Request for Legal Service Proposals

Request for Legal Service Proposals


Lawrence County Community Action Partnership 


Lawrence County Community Action Partnership (LCCAP), inclusive of Allied Coordination Transportation Services, Inc., Lawrence County Social Services, Inc., and United Community Services of Lawrence County, Inc., all non-profit organizations, is requesting proposals from qualified individuals or appropriate law firms to provide legal consulting services.

General Project Description:

The awarded consultant shall provide legal services on an as needed basis in conjunction with LCCAP and Federal, State, and municipal program guidelines, when applicable.  The applicant shall provide documentation as to their experience with the following:

  • Non-profit law
  • Federal laws concerning Head Start and other grant funds as provided by the Department of Health & Human Services
  • Federal & State laws concerning HOME Investment Partnership Program and Emergency Solutions Grants as provided by the Commonwealth’s Department of Community & Economic Development
  • Federal & State laws concerning other available funding from US Department of Housing & Urban Development
  • Federal & state transportation laws including Department of Transportation
  • Federal & State laws, including the Labor & Industry Laws, concerning construction including:
    • Lead Based Paint Abatement
    • Davis Bacon Wages
    • General Construction Contracts
    • Title Searches
    • Deed Transfers
    • Property Tax law
    • State Prevailing Wage Act
  • General labor laws as applicable to non profits
  • Labor laws as applicable to union labor
  • Local Municipal ordinances for zoning, building permits, etc.
  • Tax exempt bond financing

The Consultants Proposal will be scored according to the following:

  • Consultants experience – 40 points
    • General knowledge 5 points
    • Recent Knowledge in specific areas mentioned above -30 points
    • Reference Reviews – 5 points
  • Costs – 10 points *In-Kind services are encouraged
  • Minority/Women Owned Business – 5 Bonus Points

Proposals must score at least 40 points in order to be considered. Also, the duration of such services shall be contracted for a period of 4 years.

Proposal Contents & Evaluations:

The contents of the proposal shall be no more that two type written pages and should detail the following elements. Incomplete proposals may not be considered.

  1. Consultant Experience:A complete detailed narrative description of the firm’s previous experience regarding applicable projects.   This should include staff to be utilized, experience per staff member and highlight any services involving any federal and state funded projects.
  2. Description of experience with similar projects undertaken in the last 3 years and contact persons to be interviewed if necessary.
  3. Listing of appropriate references with contact information
  4. The average hourly costs and rate structures involved.
  5. Detailed description of any in-kind services and their costs.
  6. Inclusion of insurance certifications, current pertinent state or local awards, etc will be considered.

It is the policy of LCCAP to promote the opportunity for full participation by minority and women’s business enterprises (“MBE” & “WBE’s”) in all housing and community development programs receiving funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development.  LCCAP will assign a weight for socially/economically restricted business participation for each RFP.  This weight will be included as one of the criteria for selection.

In addition, all participants in this RFP should be advised of notice of requirements for affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities are applicable.  (Executive Order 11246)

Evaluations of all proposals will be based upon a point scale that ranks the following categories.

  • Completeness of proposal & clarity in addressing scope of work
  • Relevant background and experience.
  • Ability to provide work in a timely manner.
  • Cost Structure.
  • Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise Firms.


Should a proposal be unclear or require further information, LCCAP may choose to interview the contact person for more information.


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