Temporary Emergency Assistance through Meals (TEAM) Program

DATE: May 31, 2023

SUBJECT: TEAM Program Ending – June 30, 2023

OVERVIEW: After 39 months of providing free, home-delivered meals to Lawrence County’s older adults and those with disabilities, LCCAP announces that the program’s last deliveries will occur on Friday, June 30, 2023. TEAM has been a labor of love for those of us who are lucky enough to have been involved. A cherished memory for many years to come and proof of the humanity and caring nature of our community members. As a tribute to the program and those whose lives have been touched by it in one way or another, we share some thoughts on the last 3 years of service.

In mid-March 2020, the world as we knew it was rapidly changing. It was frightening, un-chartered times for all. For the first time in our collective lives, businesses were forced to close, and community members were ordered to stay home. The populations deemed the “most vulnerable” were our senior citizens and adults with disabilities; two main populations who ride the ACTS Bus to travel throughout Lawrence County.

Vanessa Lovlie, LCCAP Special Projects Officer and Director of the ACTS Bus Service stated “At the same time the world was shutting down, a group of ACTS Drivers spoke up. They came to me, sharing their concerns for specific passengers; many of whom live alone without family or local support to help them. These passengers consider ACTS their family and our drivers could not let them down in these unprecedented times. Without concern for their own health, they wanted to find a way to deliver food to our passengers’ homes. Within 5 business days of my bringing their concerns to our LCCAP Executives, TEAM was formed. On March 30, 2020, a group of volunteers and LCCAP staff members packaged over 75 delivery bags for the ACTS Drivers to deliver to residents’ homes. Within one month, we were delivering food to over 500 residents per week.”

TEAM was only made possible due to the extraordinary generosity of our community who were quick to partner with LCCAP to donate money, food, and rally volunteers. The founding partners of TEAM include the May Emma Hoyt Foundation; Preston Auto Group; Challenges, Options in Aging; PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED); Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, and numerous local churches. Over the past 2 years, the Lawrence County Commissioners generously approved the use of Community Development Block Grant Funds to continue the program.

Michelle Scott, LCCAP Food Service Manager shared, “They were the ones who raised us, taught us, loved us and cared for us. So, when the time arose, it was not only my duty, but also my pleasure to come to the aide of our senior population through TEAM. TEAM was a platform which paved the way for me to honor our seniors and disabled who reside in Lawrence County by gathering, packing, and delivering meals to them during the time of crisis. But it was more than that. As the word team is defined as, “a group of people coming together to achieve a common goal”, LCCAP’s TEAM also united businesses, churches, community organizations and individuals for the common goal of taking care of those who were considered to be the most vulnerable during the pandemic. Despite the threat of COVID, TEAM allowed us to realize we are better together!”

What initially started as a two-week period of “stay home and stop the spread”, turned out to be the beginning of the several years long COVID-19 Pandemic.

“The past 3 years brought out the worst and more importantly the best in people, the community came through for its more vulnerable members as we strove to keep them fed and healthy during that difficult time. I was witness to the outpouring support we were unquestionably granted, and as this TEAM program ends, my sincere thanks to those gracious individuals and organizations who made this possible, may you continue to brighten others in your journey” shared Lynn Henry, LCCAP Assistant Coordinator.

Over the past 3 years, TEAM has provided over 45,000 free, home deliveries to over 800 Lawrence County residents. The weekly deliveries consisted of fresh food, produce, dairy, bread, meats, and canned goods.

“On behalf of Tom Scott, and our Board of Directors, I want to thank all of our LCCAP staff involved in the TEAM program. You all played such a crucial role in our agency’s mission and exceeded our expectations of providing our community’s most vulnerable population with food security during an unprecedented time. Again, thank you for your dedication and big hearts……Congrats on your outstanding work!!” shared Jennifer Elliott. LCCAP Special Assistant to the CEO.


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