Weatherization Day 2023

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) reduces energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety.

Weatherization also helps revitalize communities by stimulating economic growth and
reducing environmental impact. Weatherization returns $2.78 in non-energy benefits for
every $1.00 invested in WAP. Non-energy benefits—such as improved health, safety, and
comfort—are especially beneficial to low-income households that have been weatherized.
After weatherization, low-income households save money on their monthly energy bills and lessen their overall environmental impact by the reduced consumption of natural resources.

LCCAP’s Healthy Homes department has provided weatherization services for over 80 people in our community so far this year.

In honor of Weatherization month, we asked our Weatherization technicians why they enjoy the work they do.

Seven Weatherization technicians with quotes


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